Thursday, June 2, 2011

One thing leads to another

I knew before I ever got married that when I had children, I wanted them to be born naturally with a midwife, outside of a hospital setting. When I was in high school, we had a career day and our local birthing center came to talk about midwifery. I was always fascinated by the whole concept of birth, and for a time, I considered becoming a midwife. Natural birth is something that was always embraced by the women in my family, as most of them delivered their babies at home with the help of a family midwife. So birth was always presented to me as this beautiful experience that shouldn't be dulled or avoided. My husband, Derek, was not so fortunate in this area. My mother-in-law often told me of her horrible births in the hospital and how they were some of the worst experiences in her life. And so this was the way my husband perceived childbirth. Knowing how he saw it, I was concerned that when it came our time to have children, he wouldn't be supportive of my choice to birth at a center with a midwife instead of a hospital with doctors and epidurals. But being the wonderful man he is, he was supportive (the fact that we would save a ton of money by birthing at a center sounded good to him, too). Even though, after Ian was born, he admitted that during the whole pregnancy, he was scared to death of what I would be like during the labor and delivery. He was afraid that at the last minute I would beg for drugs and then regret my whole decision to go the natural route. I guess he knew that normally, I am a bit of a weenie when it comes to pain and don't take it so well. But he hid all his reservations very nicely as I never once thought that he was worried. I had a very uneventful first pregnancy, aside from horrible all-day-long sickness, with no complications whatsoever. I went into labor at 39 weeks, 5 days at 2:00 AM. My husband was a lot calmer than I expected, but it could have been just because I was very calm. We went to my mom's house to labor until it was time to go see the midwife since she lived a mile from the birth center. My water broke at 4:30 and we went to the center at 5:00. My midwife, Jill, was amazing. She sprayed warm water on my back to counteract the back labor I was having and the time just flew by. At 7:45, I started pushing. I wanted to have the baby in the bed, so Derek was behind me, bracing me and cheering me on. At 8:20, Ian was born. Although, at the time, we thought that he was going to be a she because the two ultrasounds we'd had said girl. But he was the best surprise ever. Derek cried and I was just in awe of this beautiful life we had been blessed with.
Evan came like lightning at 41 weeks, 3 days after three hours of labor and two pushes. I couldn't believe how fast he was born. I looked up at my husband and said, "We have two kids!" I laugh when I look back on it, because it was so off-the-wall. But I blame the hormones.
I shared all of that to say this (I know, I beat around the bush long enough): looking back at all the choices I've made in my journey in motherhood, I shouldn't have been surprised by any of my decisions.
Had I not made the decision to give birth naturally, I may have not decided to breastfeed.
Had I not been breastfeeding, I may have not looked into babywearing as a way to breastfeed on the go.
Had I not worn my baby, I probably wouldn't have been introduced to cloth diapers.
Had I not been introduced to cloth... Well, I'm just so very thankful I was. It has been one of the biggest blessings to the health and finances of our family.
So thank you, natural childbirth, for leading me to cloth diapering.


  1. You are so fortunate to have been raised in such a nurturing environment that supported mid-wifery...although I have always been encouraged to follow the beat of my own drum, I got a lot of "Are you crazy?!!", "Aren't you afraid?!", "What if something happens?!" when I announced I would be doing it all natural...the way it's supposed to happen. Many people allow fear to run their lives.

    Even with the cloth diapering...most tried to convince me out of it..I'm glad I stuck with it...

    I wish my first labor experience was as ideal as yours. I had a 30 hour labor that ended me in the hospital.
    Nothing life threatening and all things considered, it turned to be a better experience than I could've imagined. My water broke before I even went into I went to the center and spent 14 hours pumping my breasts and walking to induce myself into labor...I was 1.5 cm dilated and needed to reach 4 cm in order to begin active labor at the Center. Because of the high risk of infection to baby with no amniotic fluid, they gave me 12 hours to do so before I had to be transfer to Sweetwater 12 hours, they were able to give me 2 extra hours and I was 3.5 cm...just shy...

    so we went to the hospital...I was VERY upset..did a lot of crying...the hospital bombarded my husband and I with questions about PKU shots, taking the baby to the nursery, vitamin K, cleaning and weighing him immediately after delivery...all things I did not was overwhelming..I had to be induced with Pitocin..which is the Devil's Drug...I did my entire labor all natural until the 4th hour before delivery...I was in such agonizing body could just not handle the intensity of this man-made was awful. My husband, I could see in his eyes was terrified for me. I was passing in and out of consciousness in between these intense contractions and we both had not slept for at least 48 hours as my water had burst at 11:55pm on April 20th..

    Jill, also my midwife, was there...thankfully..and she checked me 4 hours before I delivered and I was expecting she would tell me I was 8-9 cm...she said I was 6...I knew I wouldn't be able to make it without passing out from the with some encouragement, I took the Epidural...I felt so sad, but felt it was the best thing to do for me and my son...he needed to come out and my clenching muscles were not helping him come down faster..

    The Epidural, as much as I hated taking it...was such a relief...and I was able to sleep an hour before I started to push.

    I had spent so much time preparing my birth plan and things turned out so different. I was so fortunate to have everything go very well, to have Jill there, to have made it 26 hours naturally and only 4 on the epidural thus greatly decreasing my risks to C-Section, high blood pressure, etc, and have a very active and alert son that was as eager to breastfeed as I was.

    Jill is an incredible human being. I love her.

    With another child, I would still aim for a natural childbirth.

    Anyways, it's funny because I was also lead to cloth diapers by my decision to do a natural birth. Had I not made the decision I would not have ended at the Women's Wellness and Maternity Center, and I wouldn't have seen Rachael's add for a free cloth diapering consult, etc.

    I owe my cloth diapering experience to Rachael.

  2. Yurani, I just love you! I completely agree about Pitocin. Completely horrible stuff! I made it through both labors just fine, but after Evan was born, my uterus wouldn't stop contracting. So to slow the bleeding, they had to give me a bag of Pitocin. Those contractions were worse than my actual labor! It's no wonder induced women beg for epidurals! I HATE that stuff!

  3. Omg!! How horrible. That stuff should be illegal!! I wonder if Pitocin has the same effect on men...if so they should give it to criminals..that would be enough!!
