Kim is such a great fountain of cloth diapering information. She has personally reviewed over 70 cloth diapers! She also has great attachment parenting pieces and it'a an all-around great blog.
It's a great website devoted to anything cloth diapering. It has listings for current sales and specials at different retailers and user-rated reviews for cloth diapers/accessories.
It has a great "DIY diapering" section with instructions/links on how to sew/create your own diapers! There is also a great table to help you determine if your regular laundry detergent is "diaper friendly".
GREAT RETAILERS (affiliate links)
Kelly's Closet usually always specials going. With free shipping over $49, there's always a reason to check out what they've got going on!
Free shipping over $49. Use AFL550 to save $5 off your first $50 order!