Monday, March 13, 2017

Meal Plan Monday

Today, I wanted to share with you our family meal plan for the week. Everything I cook is very simple and uses a lot of store-bought ingredients.
Meal planning is essential for me, especially since I don't know from day-to-day if I will be called to substitute teach or if I will have to run out of the house at a moment's notice. I try to meal plan on Fridays when I get home from the store, based on what I bought for the following week. And most things I make can be made ahead.
Here is the menu for this week:
Monday: Enchiladas
Tuesday: Grilled Cheese
Wednesday: Chicken Alfredo
Thursday: Pasta Bake
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Pot Roast
There you have it. Simple faire for simple people. To make life even more simple, this past Saturday, I browned all the ground beef I would need for the week in the crock pot. One less step! And Wednesday morning, I will put the chicken I will be using in the Alfredo in the crock pot as well. I love my crock pot!

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